Cable Twin Core | Cable & Accessories

Twin-core automobile cables - popular sizes
1-6 of 6
Light duty twin core cable 9's 2 x 0.65mm

Twin core automotive cable, black outer, red and black inner cores, rated approximately 6 amps per core

Qty: 100m
Ref: TV156065
Brand: Ryder
Medium duty twin core 14's cable 2 x 1.0mm

Twin core automotive cable, black outer, red and black inner cores, rated approximately 10 amps per core

Qty: 100m
Ref: TV15610
Brand: Ryder
Medium duty flat twin core cable 2 x 1.5mm

Twin core automotive cable, black outer, red and black inner cores, rated approximately 12.75 amps per core

Qty: 100m
Ref: TV15615
Brand: Ryder
Heavy duty twin cable, 28's 2 x 2.0mm

Twin core automotive cable, black outer, red and black inner cores, rated approximately 25 amps per core

Qty: 100m
Ref: TV15620
Brand: Ryder
Extra heavy duty twin core cable 35s 2 x 2.5mm

Twin core automotive cable, black outer, red and black inner cores, rated approximately 29 amps per core

Qty: 100m
Ref: TV15625
Brand: Ryder
Full duty twin core cable 44s 2 x 3.0mm

Twin core automotive cable, black outer, red and black inner cores, rated approximately 33 amps per core

Qty: 100m
Ref: TV15630
Brand: Ryder